Day load
Total Watt of Appliances
Days With No Sun
Cycle of Days With No Sun
Percentage Production Efficiency
Percentage Batteries Efficiency
Percentage State of Batteries Charge (>50)
Select the peak sun charging hours of daylight corresponding to your location
Percentage Consumption Efficiency
Batteries Voltage
Percentage Depth of Batteries Discharge (>50)
Click on Size buttons to get the ideal number of solar panels, elements and power required for your daily load.
Minimum Total Power of Solar Panel  Watt
  Total Short Circuit Current Solar Panels
  Minimum Ampere of Charge Controller  Ampere
  Minimum Ampere of MPPT Charge Controller  Ampere
Maximum Total Ampere Hour of Batteries  Ampere Hour
  Minimum Power of Inverter  Watt
NB: The controller Ampere and Inverter Power must be greater than the locked rotor current anNB: The controller Ampere and Inverter Power must be greater than the locked rotor current and power of motors (The locked rotor current and power of a motor vary between 3 to 10 time its running current and power)